Advocacy Update – April 2023
It has been a busy couple of weeks on the advocacy front now that the legislature has dealt with the statebudget. Speaking of the budget, you have heard the democratic majority passed a budget that...
It has been a busy couple of weeks on the advocacy front now that the legislature has dealt with the statebudget. Speaking of the budget, you have heard the democratic majority passed a budget that...
How should parishes celebrate Earth Day (April 22) and Earth Week (April 17-23) this year? The Diocese of Maine’s Creation Care Team suggests that we look to the Wabanaki experience as they respond to the...
Update March 18, 2023 The 131st Legislature was very slow to take off and is just now shifting into a quicker pace. As of March 17th, 1210, of an expected 2,000 +/- bills have been...
The prayer below was inspired by Episcopal Peace Fellowship‘s Peace Out. “Never Again – Promises” Dear God, who creates, saves, blesses, and sustains us, these things we promise for this day and forever more: Never...
Bill Green of Trinity Church, Portland sat down to interview an exciting Episcopalian…our own Bishop Thomas Brown!
Update February 20, 2023 Jane Field of the Maine Council of Churches and I participated in a call with state officials from the Governor’s office, the Department of Health and Human Services, Portland legislators, the...
The Joint Standing Committee on Nominations invites members from across The Episcopal Church to apply for the churchwide roles listed below. The deadline to apply is April 15. Elections will take place at the 81st...
Excerpted transcript of remarks by Bill Kany, son of the award’s namesake, from the award presentation “The criteria is to be a person who has done a great deal to benefit our communities over a...
Below you will find the first draft of the legislative tracking document and my notes from Advocacy Days. The tracking document is not set up with active links to the legislative documents – yet. I...
"Jesus once told a story to teach about what it looks like to love one’s neighbor, which Moses and Jesus both said is a commandment of God. It’s a story about a man beaten nearly to death and left on the side of the road to die by people who knew what Moses taught about love for God and neighbor—and what the prophet Micah taught when he said that God requires three things of us: to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." Presiding Bishop Michael Curry