The Episcopal Diocese of Maine gathers together annually to conduct the business of our diocese and worship together. The clergy of the diocese along with elected lay delegates from each congregation in Maine are the voting body.



Lay Delegates

Below are the names and congregations of the delegates to convention that have been certified.

List of Certified Lay Delegates 

Revisions to your Certificate of Delegates on file are no longer being accepted.

If the delegation on the list above is incorrect,  you will need to certify a change in-person on convention day. The priest (or senior warden if there is no priest) along with the replacement delegate must present themselves to the registrar’s desk at the Holiday Inn to certify the change before checking-in. Please allow extra time to complete this process.

If you are a priest or senior warden from one of the three churches that never filed an original certificate, please be in touch with Wendy Kopera.


Diocesan Elections in 2024


Secretary of the Diocese
Need to elect one; one-year term


Diocesan Officers


Treasurer of the Diocese
Need to elect one; one-year term


Diocesan Officers


Standing Committee
Need to elect one; three-year term
Lay Need to elect one; three-year term

Standing Committee


Disciplinary Board Representatives
Clergy Need to elect one; three-year term
Clergy Need to elect one to fill two years of three-year term

Disciplinary Board


Provincial Conference 
Deputy (Clergy or Lay) Need to elect one; three-year term

Province I


General Convention Deputies 
Clergy Need to elect four to serve GC82 (2027)
Lay Need to elect four to serve GC82 (2027)

General Convention


General Convention Alternate Deputies
Clergy Need to elect four to serve GC82 (2027)
Lay Need to elect four to serve GC82 (2027)

General Convention


Trustees of Diocesan Funds
Trustees are elected by Diocesan Convention to four-year terms. Beginning with the 2023 election, Trustees are limited to two consecutive four-year terms. None of the Trustees’ terms will be up in 2024. Your chance to run will happen again in 2025!

Trustees of Diocesan Funds

Diocesan Council 
None of the Diocesan Council Representatives’ three-year terms (limited to two consecutive terms) will be ending in 2024. There are clergy and lay reps from each Area. In 2025, we will elect lay reps.

Diocesan Council 

A Prayer for Convention

Please pray for the entire convention, your bishop and staff, for all delegates and the decisions they have made, and those who have offered themselves for leadership roles. We thank all for their service and faithfulness.

Prayer for a Church Convention