The General Convention (GC) is the primary governing and legislative body of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. With the exception of the Bible, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Constitution and Canons, it is the ultimate authority in the Episcopal Church. General Convention comprises two houses: the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops. It meets regularly once every three years.

Maine’s deputies for the 81st GC who travelled to Louisville are:

  • Clergy – The Rev. Joshua Hill, The Rev. Cn. Lisa Fry, The Rev.Kerry Mansir, The Rev. Lauren Kay
  • Lay – John Hennessy (Chair), Mark Spahr, Christian Clough (in place of Karen Perka), Richard Rozene
  • Official Youth Presence – Catherine Mansir (Read more about Catherine here.)

Do you have a question for your deputation before, during, or after the proceedings? They would like to hear from you! Email [email protected]

Election of the 28th Presiding Bishop at General Convention

Five bishop stood for election to become the new presiding bishop at the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky. The election and confirmation took place on Tuesday, June 26. The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe from the Episcopal Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania (and bishop provisional of the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York) will be the new PB!

Read more about the new presiding bishop-elect here. Tune-in to Presiding Bishop-Elect Rowe’s consecration which will be livestreamed to The Episcopal Church’s Facebook and YouTube pages on November 2.

A Video Message from Bishop Brown


Celebrating the Election of a New Presiding Bishop

On a day full of prayer and celebration, the Rt. Rev. Sean W. Rowe, bishop of Northwest Pennsylvania and bishop provisional of Western New York, was elected to be the 28th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. The election, which was decided on the first ballot, took place during the 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, where on Wednesday at mid-morning, members of the House of Bishops walked from the Kentucky International Convention Center to nearby Christ Church Cathedral to cast their votes. Their decision was made by noon, with the announcement held until after a lunch break, sparking much excited speculation among members of the House of Deputies (HOD), visitors, and the press.

Bishop Brown shares his thoughts following the election in this video.


Youth Working to End Gun Violence

Pictured above: Our Maine team and leaders working on their plan to reduce gun violence at the advocacy workshop at Christ Church Cathedral in Louisville on June 25.


High school students from across the Episcopal Church who are called witnesses against gun violence in their communities travelled to #GC81! The Episcopal Diocese of Maine brought youth and leaders to Louisville to learn from experienced community organizers in the gun violence prevention movement, spend time with participants in Bishops United Against Gun Violence, and experience the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church! Here’s what their agenda looked like:

June 25: Community Organizing 101

Foundational tools to advocate with local government and boards for gun violence prevention, with an emphasis on advocating from a faith-based perspective. The Diocese of Maine team were voted 3rd place by their peers in 14 dioceses for their plan to reduce gun violence!

June 26: Experience General Convention

Participants had the opportunity to observe the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, learning about governance and advocacy in the church and welcoming the 28th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

June 27: BUAGV Public Witness

 Continued organizing training and a lunchtime witness with participants in Bishops United Against Gun Violence, which centered youth voices.