Convention adopted the resolution below (and here) regarding the investment of diocesan funds which asks the bishop to form a special commission to discuss the resolution, the ‘call to action’ attached to the resolution, and the Private and Special Law under which the Trustees of Diocesan Funds exist, and to report to the 205th Diocesan Convention (in 2024) its conclusions and recommendations, including any appropriate resolutions for consideration.
Bishop Brown has appointed Matt Dunlap, Chair of the Committee on Indian Relations, and Carlos Mello, a Trustee of Diocesan Funds, to serve as co-chairs.
The full Special Commission comprises the following persons:
- Bishop Thomas Brown, ex officio
- Matthew Dunlap, St. James’, Old Town, Chair of Committee on Indian Relations; CO-CHAIR
- Rev. Elaine Hewes, rector at St. Brendan the Navigator, Deer Isle, member of the Climate Justice Council
- Randi Hogan, Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Portland
- Audrey Klein-Leach, St. Margaret’s Belfast
- Carlos Mello, Trustee of Diocesan Funds, St. Thomas’ Camden CO-CHAIR
- Liz Parsons, Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Portland
- Tom Van Buren, St. Brendan the Navigator, Deer Isle, member of the Racial Justice Committee
- Stephen Ward, St. Andrew’s, Newcastle, member of the Committee on Indian Relations and Climate Justice Council
- Nancy Whitehouse, St. Paul’s, Brunswick
Please pray for them as they take up this important work.
Resolution Title: Resolution Regarding the Investment of Diocesan Funds
RESOLVED; We affirm the fervent hope and desire of this Convention that the Trustees
of Diocesan Funds, an entity which was created under a Private and Special Law of the
Maine Legislature enacted in 1849 (attached as Exhibit A), regard their work in
managing the investments of the Diocese with prayerful thoughtfulness when
considering entities with which they entrust these funds so that the work of
Episcopalians for justice, fairness, world peace, and the rehabilitation and care of the
Earth’s environment is always among the most important of investment criteria they
contemplate; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the Bishop appoint a Special Committee, including representatives
from Justice Councils, the Standing Committee, and Diocesan Council and Trustees of
Diocesan Funds to discuss the Call to Action (below) and the Private and Special Law
under which the Trustees of Diocesan Funds exist, and to report to the 205th Diocesan
Convention (in 2024) its conclusions and recommendations, including any appropriate
resolutions for consideration by the Convention.