
May 19, 2024

How to Author a Resolution

by Episcopal Diocese of Maine Resolutions Committee

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine’s Resolutions Committee is now accepting candidate resolutions for the 2024 Diocesan Convention! Proposed resolutions may be submitted at any time by any parish or individual before the deadline of October...

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May 19, 2024

Ecumenical Green Teams Gathering held in Cape Elizabeth

by Sarah Braik

On May 19 the BTS Center hosted a Green Teams gathering at Cape Elizabeth United Methodist Church. There were representatives from many churches of all denominations in southern and mid coast Maine, including many Episcopal Earth Keepers. We...

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May 7, 2024

Childcare Stipend Available for “The Philadelphia 11” Screening

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May 7, 2024

Legislative Themes for the 81st General Convention (GC81)

by Submitted by John Hennessy

The 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church (GC81) will take place June 23-28 in Louisville, Kentucky. The Maine deputation is excited to head to Louisville next month to represent our diocese. The group includes: the Rev. Joshua Hill, the Rev. Cn. Lisa Fry, the Rev. Kerry Mansir, the Rev. Lauren Kay, Mark Spahr, Christian Clough, Richard Rozene, and chair John Hennessy. The delegation also includes Catherine Mansir, one of two high school students representing Province 1 (the seven dioceses of New England). If you have any questions about GC81, please reach out to [email protected].

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May 1, 2024

Award Winning Documentary “The Philadelphia Eleven” Coming to Portland

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine will be screening “The Philadelphia Eleven” in person, in Portland, Maine on Tuesday, May 14 at 7 p.m. at the Nickelodeon Cinemas (1 Temple St.) in Portland at 7 p.m....

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