Welcome to the first installment of “Dio Maine Cooks: Recipes and Stories from Vintage Church Cookbooks.” Created as a way to fundraise and/or mark an anniversary, spiral-bound church cookbooks capture a moment in time, whether...
Dear Friends in Christ, the People of God called to be the diocese of Maine, The Psalmist sings, “no good thing will the Lord withhold from those who walk with integrity” (Psalm 84:11). Yesterday, the...
On January 21, 2025, the Trump administration signed a range of executive Borders that will profoundly impact immigration in the U.S. and put the lives of hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people at risk. Read...
Have you ever been in the presence of a member of the clergy and thought to yourself, “Wow, he/she/they is clearly called”? That’s what happened for me during my recent visit with Archbishop Hosam E....
It’s been a quiet time during these dark months. Now that Winter Solstice is over, we can put our hearts and minds toward spring! We have a new member joining us, Meredith Tipton, and she is a...
The Episcopal Church Executive Council is accepting nominations for a clergy member to fill an unexpired term that became vacant when the Rev. Lester Mackenzie, who was elected at the 2024 General Convention, resigned to join...
Dear folks in Maine committed to the work of formation, Happy New Year and joyful Christmastide greetings to all of you. I’m writing to be sure you know about some upcoming formation events and opportunities,...