Canon to the Ordinary’s 2022 sabbatical
Over the last several years I have been working on a plan to support the work of clearing unexploded ordnance in Laos. Laos is a small country in between Thailand and Vietnam and is profoundly...
Over the last several years I have been working on a plan to support the work of clearing unexploded ordnance in Laos. Laos is a small country in between Thailand and Vietnam and is profoundly...
The Executive Committee of Province I is excited to announce the call of Will Harron to be the Coordinator of Province I. Will is a member of Grace Episcopal Church in Amherst, Massachusetts and lives...
Recap of Dr. Meek’s presentation by Episcopal Peace Fellowship – Maine Chapter In January, Episcopal Peace Fellowship’s monthly series of free, online Peacebuilding presentations featured a dynamic talk by Dr. Catherine Meeks on racial healing....
The legislature convened the second session this week and the schedule for public hearings and work sessions is already starting to fill up. All legislative committee work will be conducted virtually at least through January...
Mission Statement for the Committee on Indian Relations, Episcopal Diocese of Maine: “We are called by our Creator to deepen our relationship with the Wabanaki of Maine, to stand with the tribes in the pursuit of justice, to...