Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) celebrated its 40th anniversary this week! EYE is the church’s second-largest event after General Convention, drawing nearly 1,500 young people ages 15-19 from every province every three years. The event began...
The Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing is a church-wide resource which is primarily supported by the Diocese of Atlanta and The Episcopal Church, charged with providing tools and experiences to engage in racial healing, dismantling racism,...
All are welcome to walk with us at Portland Pride! Episcopal Maine Youth invite you to walk with them in the Portland Pride Parade on June 17! Please email Director of Faith Formation Emily Keniston...
Nominating Committee Calls for Names The Episcopal Church Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop issued a letter (see below) to the church announcing the availability of the “Profile for the Election...
A group of Maine Episcopalians from three parishes (Trinity in Portland, St. Albans in Cape Elizabeth, and St. Ann’s in Windham) recently joined forces to express their faith-based support for gender justice to their legislators....
From Sunday through Tuesday of this past week, I attended the annual Clergy Conference for Episcopal clergy at the Schoodic Institute in Winter Harbor, along withthe other “Sisters of St. Brendan” (Donna Downs, Jenny Reece...
Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Maine (EPF-ME) members have been focused on sharing information about EPF with the diocese. We recently participated in a diocese-wide Town Hall where others joined us to ask questions about EPF-ME. As the...
Did you know that demographers have categorized a new generation: the Star Wars Generation? These are people born between 1977 and 1983. They’re the younger siblings of GenXers and the older siblings of Millennials. When...
It has been a busy couple of weeks on the advocacy front now that the legislature has dealt with the statebudget. Speaking of the budget, you have heard the democratic majority passed a budget that...
How should parishes celebrate Earth Day (April 22) and Earth Week (April 17-23) this year? The Diocese of Maine’s Creation Care Team suggests that we look to the Wabanaki experience as they respond to the...