August 29, 2024

Earth Keepers in Portland Paint Season of Creation Banner

The gorgeous banner was painted by the parishioners of the Cathedral of St. Luke in Portland! It will be included in the processions each Sunday during the Season of Creation.

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May 19, 2024

Ecumenical Green Teams Gathering held in Cape Elizabeth

by Sarah Braik

On May 19 the BTS Center hosted a Green Teams gathering at Cape Elizabeth United Methodist Church. There were representatives from many churches of all denominations in southern and mid coast Maine, including many Episcopal Earth Keepers. We...

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September 1, 2023

Earth Keeper Update from the Aroostook Cluster

by Mary Warren of St. Paul's in Fort Fairfield & Barb Aiken of St. John's in Presque Isle

Aroostook Cluster’s Covenant to Care of Creation St. Paul’s, Fairfield Earth Keepers from our cluster of churches; St. Paul’s, Good Shepherd in Houlton, St. John’s in Presque Isle, are planning a combined gathering in September....

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September 1, 2023

Earth Keeper Update from the Cathedral of St. Luke

by St. Luke's Earth Keeper Team

CATHEDRAL OF ST. LUKE COVENANT TO CARE OF CREATION In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the world God loves. Concerned about the global climate emergency, drawing from...

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September 1, 2023

Earth Keeper Update from St Alban’s in Cape Elizabeth

by St. Alban's Earth Keeper Team

 St Alban’s Episcopal Church Covenant to Care of Creation Activities Update from Earth Keeper Team Feb. 2023 – Aug. 2023 In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the...

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September 1, 2023

Earth Keeper Update from St. David’s in Kennebunk

by Mary Jane Ropp

St. David’s Covenant to Care of Creation At St. David’s in Kennebunk, for the Season of Creation, we are inviting the congregation to make a commitment to one or two specific actions (from the list...

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September 1, 2023

Earth Keeper Update from St. Peter’s, Portland

by Janene Gorham

St. Peter’s in Portland planted a Good News Garden!  

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August 17, 2023

Sixteen Bishops Authorize Use of Liturgical Resource for Creation Season

Press Release Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts August 14, 2023 Creation Season 2023: Celebration Guide for Episcopal Parishes is now available for those who integrate Creation Season into Sunday worship (Sept. 1- Oct. 4). Curated...

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July 26, 2023

The Season of Creation is Coming Up: Are You Ready to Celebrate?

by Climate Justice Council

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is launching the 2023 Season of Creation! This year's theme is "Let justice and peace flow", and the symbol "A mighty river".

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Episcopal Maine Climate Justice Council
April 24, 2023

ACTION ALERT from the Climate Justice Council

As we continue to strive in new ways to care for the gift of God’s Creation, the Climate Justice Council asks your support in contacting your legislators about these proposed bills in the document below....

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