Who We Are

The Episcopal Church is part of the Anglican Communion and is composed of 109 dioceses in 17 nations and territories.

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is one of those 109 dioceses and is organized according to its Constitution and Canons and the Special Laws of Maine.

Our Leadership and Diocesan Convention

The diocese is led by Bishop Thomas J. Brown and governed by the Diocesan Convention. Diocesan Convention is made up of clergy of Maine and representatives from each of our 57 congregations and meets annually.

When the convention is not in session, the Diocesan Council serves as the “convention between conventions”, meeting four times a year to make decisions along with other committees and task forces. The diocese is divided into Areas, and Diocesan Council members are elected from each Area.

The Standing Committee

The Standing Committee is an elected body that serves as a council of advice to the bishop and also has specific canonical responsibilities in matters of parish governance (including approval of by-laws) and the ordination process. The Standing Committee becomes the diocese’s ecclesiastical authority in a situation where there is no bishop in place.


The Maine Episcopal Missionary Society

The Maine Episcopal Missionary Society, incorporated under the laws of the State of Maine with all the usual power and privileges of corporations, receives and dispenses funds “to the sole use and purpose of diffusing Christian Knowledge, in such manner as the said Corporation shall judge will best promote and answer the design of their incorporation”. It is the corporate arm of the Diocese of Maine, through which the Diocese conducts its business transactions.

Featured Governance Resources

Title IV information pertaining to the clergy disciplinary process and the disciplinary board can be found in the resource library.