Dear Friends in Christ, the People of God called to be the diocese of Maine, The Psalmist sings, “no good thing will the Lord withhold from those who walk with integrity” (Psalm 84:11). Yesterday, the...
Congregations in the Diocese of Maine marched in Pride Parades across the state in 2024. The youth of the diocese led all activities at the Portland parade.
All are welcome to walk with us at Portland Pride! Episcopal Maine Youth invite you to walk with them in the Portland Pride Parade on June 17! Please email Director of Faith Formation Emily Keniston...
A group of Maine Episcopalians from three parishes (Trinity in Portland, St. Albans in Cape Elizabeth, and St. Ann’s in Windham) recently joined forces to express their faith-based support for gender justice to their legislators....
Several years ago, our youth decided it was time to start introducing ourselves with our pronouns. At the time, we were meeting in person for full-weekend events. We’d put out plastic nametags, and youth could...