“This Changes Everything,” is the late Rev. Edward Dufresne’s moving and brave chronicle of his six-year journey with cancer. A Lutheran pastor for over 40 years, Dufresne’s journal of daily thoughts and reflections accompanied by...
by Susan Sherrill Axelrod It’s not unusual for the career paths followed by Episcopal clergy to have taken a number of turns—sometimes sharp ones—before ending up at the church. For the Rev. George Cooper, who...
The Rev. Peter Jenks reflects on his long tenure in Thomaston When he retires from the Episcopal Church of St. John Baptist in Thomaston on Sept. 29, Rev. Peter Jenks will leave a legacy that...
The Episcopal Diocese of Maine will be screening “The Philadelphia Eleven” in person, in Portland, Maine on Tuesday, May 14 at 7 p.m. at the Nickelodeon Cinemas (1 Temple St.) in Portland at 7 p.m....
Excerpted transcript of remarks by Bill Kany, son of the award’s namesake, from the award presentation “The criteria is to be a person who has done a great deal to benefit our communities over a...
The Very Rev. Dr. Benjamin Shambaugh, Dean of St. Luke’s Cathedral will complete 18 years of service to the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, the City of Portland, and the state and Episcopal Diocese of...
I fell in love with the tiny, distant country of Laos about twelve years ago, when I first visited on vacation. Laos is a sliver of mountain and river, with Vietnam on one side and...
St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, Yarmouth introduces the congregation to their new Priest in Charge, Amanda Gerken-Nelson in this short video.
Over the last several years I have been working on a plan to support the work of clearing unexploded ordnance in Laos. Laos is a small country in between Thailand and Vietnam and is profoundly...
USCG Auxiliary Casco Bay Flotilla “The 2-1 ACS” “Semper Paratus – Always Ready”. That’s the proud motto of the United States Coast Guard, the guardians of our Nation’s maritime safety and security. The Coast Guard...