Hear from UTO Board President Sherri Dietrich who lives and worships in Maine about United Thank Offering and working to cultivate gratitude in our diocese.
The Clergy Formation Committee is a group of presbyters and deacons working to offer opportunities to enrich the ongoing formation of Maine's clergy community.
The 202nd Convention of the Diocese of Maine assembled online via Zoom on Saturday, October 23, 2021. The proceedings were livestreamed on YouTube. We took time to pause throughout convention to hear the Word of God, praise God with song with our virtual choir, and share Spiritual Eucharist.
Creation Care Team Land and Waters Casco Baykeepers Improves and protects the environmental health of Casco Bay by collecting scientific data, advocating for clean water and engaging the community. Island Institute Working to further the...
22 February 2024 Dear Friends, Grace and peace be with you! I believe the collaboration among the Dioceses of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont is a gift from God, and we will continue to collaborate...
The 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church (GC81) will take place June 23-28 in Louisville, Kentucky. The Maine deputation is excited to head to Louisville next month to represent our diocese. The group includes: the Rev. Joshua Hill, the Rev. Cn. Lisa Fry, the Rev. Kerry Mansir, the Rev. Lauren Kay, Mark Spahr, Christian Clough, Richard Rozene, and chair John Hennessy. The delegation also includes Catherine Mansir, one of two high school students representing Province 1 (the seven dioceses of New England). If you have any questions about GC81, please reach out to [email protected].
“Here I Stand With God”, with the Rev. Dr. Sam Wells Thursday, November 16, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Online Hosted by the Clergy Formation Committee We are delighted to welcome the Rev. Dr. Sam...