Blog Post

Bowen receives 2023 Kany Award for work with Seeds of Hope

Excerpted transcript of remarks by Bill Kany, son of the award’s namesake, from the award presentation “The criteria is to be a person who has done a great deal to benefit our communities over a...


Customary for Retiring Deacons

The Canons of The Episcopal Church require the retirement of deacons from all positions of active service in the Church, on reaching the age of 72. Deacons are required to submit their resignations, and bishops are...


Domestic and International Poverty Grants

The Grants Committee welcomes proposals for Domestic and International Poverty Grants. To apply for funding, please submit a letter to the Grants Committee outlining your proposal. Beginning in 2024, proposals will be considered for funding...


Preaching Conference for Episcopal Deacons

Friday, Oct. 21 – Sunday, Oct. 23 Online (Zoom) Registration fee: $25 Hosted by the Episcopal Preaching Foundation and the Association of Episcopal Deacons The central focus of this conference will be the unique voice of...


Clergy Formation Event: “Here I Stand With God”

“Here I Stand With God”, with the Rev. Dr. Sam Wells Thursday, November 16, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Online Hosted by the Clergy Formation Committee We are delighted to welcome the Rev. Dr. Sam...

Blog Post

Welcoming New Staff and Announcing Staff Retirements

8 February 2023 Dear Friends in Christ, Today I am delighted to share with you several updates about the diocesan staff as we welcome new faces and begin to honor and celebrate upcoming retirements. Transition...


Archives of the Diocese of Maine

The Archives contain a mixture of public, historical records that can be used for research, and legal records that are sealed from view. Together they comprise a history of the people and places that have formed and shaped us over the years.


The Future of Racial Reconciliation in Province 1

Join Episcopalians across New England for a conversation about the Future of Racial Reconciliation in Province 1 on Sunday November 13, 2022 from 3-5 p.m. on Zoom. James McKim, Chair and Province 1 Representative of...


General Convention

The General Convention is the primary governing and legislative body of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. It meets regularly once every three years.


Season of Creation Lunch & Learn

“To Hope and Act with Creation” You’re invited to join a lunch and learn on Zoom about the Season of Creation for clergy and lay leadership, music, stewardship, and formation leaders. Participants in this virtual...