This free and open-to-the-public event will begin after the 9:30 a.m. service. The conversation will be led by Wendy Love, MD, who has served with two medical missions to the West Bank, and has traveled...
The legislature convened the second session this week and the schedule for public hearings and work sessions is already starting to fill up. All legislative committee work will be conducted virtually at least through January...
The Trustees of Diocesan Funds hold diocesan endowments with a value of approximately $2.9 million. The Diocesan Revolving Loan Fund program calls for the use of no more than $250,000 of the this fund’s endowment...
Join Maine Moms Demand Action supporters and volunteers for our 2024 Advocacy Day at the state Capitol where we come together and talk to lawmakers about our priority Gun Safety Legislation. The day will begin...
The 202nd Convention of the Diocese of Maine “Looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith” Saturday, October 22, 2022 Let us run the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus,...
How should parishes celebrate Earth Day (April 22) and Earth Week (April 17-23) this year? The Diocese of Maine’s Creation Care Team suggests that we look to the Wabanaki experience as they respond to the...
Digital Onboarding Grant Deadline Coming Soon! The Digital Onboarding Grant Program deadline is 1 February 2022. Here are some things to note about the program: The “cap” is a maximum of $4,000 per church or...
Episcopalians invited to register for Winter Talk 2023 livestream As The Episcopal Church reckons more deeply with its past involvement in Indigenous boarding schools, the Office of Indigenous Ministries invites all Episcopalians to register to...
The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is launching the 2023 Season of Creation! This year's theme is "Let justice and peace flow", and the symbol "A mighty river".