
MOM’s Demand Action Rally in Portland


On May 13, National Mothers Day of Action, our Maine Chapter of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship and MOM’s Demand Action invite you to join them in Portland’s Monument Square from 3-4 p.m. Bring your homemade...


UTO Webinar: Mental Health + Gratitude


The United Thank Offering Presents: Mental Health + Gratitude May 17 12 pm (noon) Several studies have shown that gratitude can improve physical health—lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, strengthening the immune system, and improving sleep—but...


Preaching Excellence Conference for Episcopal Deacons


March 3-5 On Zoom Registration fee: $30 Deacons serving Province I in the Episcopal Church are invited to an online conference to focus on preaching and the unique voice of the deacon to represent the...


Foundation of Religious Life Sunday


Monastic Orders and Christian Communities have existed in The Episcopal Church since the mid-19th century, but are largely unknown by Episcopalians.  Episcopalians are invited to celebrate Religious Life this Sunday! Newly approved by General Convention,...


Responding to the Pandemic


Latest news, guidance, and resources regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and our churches


New Initiative Fund Grants


The New Initiative Fund grant process is for congregations and program groups in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine to request funding for new ministries and efforts, to expand existing ministries in new directions, or to...


Grants through the Diocese of Maine


The Grants Committee of Diocesan Council was restructured in 2022 in order to better shepherd the various grant funds available in the diocese. Since then, the committee continues to look at each grant and assess...


Supply Clergy


Supply Clergy Guidelines are intended to be a helpful tool for people in congregations who are responsible for working with clergy filling-in, as well as to serve as a resource for members of the clergy themselves.


Archives of the Diocese of Maine


The Archives contain a mixture of public, historical records that can be used for research, and legal records that are sealed from view. Together they comprise a history of the people and places that have formed and shaped us over the years.


How to Worship When Your Priest is Sick


COVID Continued: Sick Clergy and Sunday Morning Plan B In recent weeks we’ve been hearing frequent reports of people testing positive for COVID, including in many cases, clergy in charge of Sunday worship.  The good...