
Bishop Brown’s Assisting Bishop Visit to the Diocese of VT


Bishop Brown spends time in the Diocese of Vermont as Assisting Bishop with the people of St. John’s in Randolph.


Diocesan Officers


The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is lead by five Diocesan Officers the Bishop of Maine, the Bishop's Chancellor, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and Registrar. In addition, the Maine Episcopal Missionary Society, Inc., is lead by the Bishop of Maine (President), Secretary, and Treasurer.


Lay Liturgical Ministry


A communicant in good standing, may be licensed by the Bishop to serve as Worship Leader, Preacher, Eucharistic Minister, or Eucharistic Visitor. Requirements and guidelines for the selection, training, continuing education, and deployment of lay ministers, and the duration of licenses shall be established by the Bishop in consultation with the Commission on Ministry.


Eucharist and Panel Discussion with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry 


Diocese of New Hampshire: Eucharist and Panel Discussion with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry Saturday, November 5, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 South Main Street, Concord, New Hampshire You’re cordially invited by...


Diocesan Central Payroll Program


The Diocesan Central Payroll Program was created  to serve our congregations by providing an economical payroll service process.  For the fee of $104 annually per employee, we prepare all direct deposits, file quarterly 941 reports, deposit payroll taxes and prepare W-2s at year-end. Basically, if all of your employees are on this program, you simply send money to the diocese twice a month and you have no other payroll responsibilities. 


Marriage After Divorce


In the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, permission for marriage after divorce from the bishop is not necessary. Please direct questions or requests for advice in certain instances to the bishop’s executive assistant, Lauralee Raymond.


Serving on the Vestry or Bishop’s Committee


Serving on a vestry is an important ministry for the health and well-being of a church. It can bring with it questions and challenges, as well as rewards. The Diocese of Maine wants to help helps wardens and vestries find resources necessary to fulfill their responsibilities. Wardens and vestries are also encouraged to share ideas and to help one another.  


Special Commission to Study Diocesan Investments in 2024


Convention adopted the resolution below (and here) regarding the investment of diocesan funds which asks the bishop to form a special commission to discuss the resolution, the ‘call to action’ attached to the resolution, and...


Prayer from the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop


The Most Rev. Michael Curry’s nine-year term as presiding bishop concludes Oct. 31, 2024. The Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop asks the church to join it in prayer for the...


Anniversary of the Election of Bishop Brown


It’s been five years since Bishop Thomas Brown was elected in Bangor, Maine to serve as the Tenth Bishop of Maine. May God continue to bless our ministry together!