
Gun Safety Awareness Sabbath


The weekend of February 16-18, 2024, faith communities in Maine are participating in a “Gun Safety Awareness Sabbath,” praying in unity for safety from gun violence for our families, communities, and state. In the last decade,...


Formation Conversation


“Formation” is the work of deepening our faith and learning about God, our faith tradition and ourselves throughout the course of our lives. And how we “form” Episcopalians is changing a lot as our churches and...


Hymn: O Wondrous Souls


The 2022 Virtual Choir will present a world premiere performance of  “O Wondrous Souls” on October 22.  The Rev. Victoria Sirota, a recently retired priest and professionally trained musician now living in Searsmont, Maine has...


Easter Day


Alleluia! He has Risen! Alleluia! O God, who for our redemption gave your only-begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection delivered us from the power of our enemy: Grant...


Debrief & Discussion on the Intersection of Racism and Christianity


Your Racial Justice Council here in the Diocese of Maine would like to invite you to two online opportunities to talk and learn about the intersection of racism and Christianity. First, The Maine Council of...


Formation Conversation


“Formation” is the work of deepening our faith and learning about God, our faith tradition and ourselves throughout the course of our lives. And how we “form” Episcopalians is changing a lot as our churches and...

Blog Post

ACTION ALERT from the Climate Justice Council


As we continue to strive in new ways to care for the gift of God’s Creation, the Climate Justice Council asks your support in contacting your legislators about these proposed bills in the document below....