
Preconvention Journal

The items listed below will be posted the week of October 21. Preconvention Journal for the 205th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Maine (2024): Agenda Rules of Order Consent Calendar Candidates Information Proposed 2025...

Blog Post

Episcopal Diocese of Maine will affiliate with the Wabanaki Alliance Tribal Coalition

Letter from Bishop Brown to members of the Climate Justice Council, Committee on Indian Relations, Episcopal Peace Fellowship, and Racial Justice Council, Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, and diocesan staff: 20 December 2023, an Ember Day...


Province I

Province I is one of nine provinces in The Episcopal Church and consists of the nine dioceses in New England.


Grants through the Diocese of Maine

The Grants Committee of Diocesan Council was restructured in 2022 in order to better shepherd the various grant funds available in the diocese. Since then, the committee continues to look at each grant and assess...


Supply Clergy

Supply Clergy Guidelines are intended to be a helpful tool for people in congregations who are responsible for working with clergy filling-in, as well as to serve as a resource for members of the clergy themselves.


Spring Training 2022

Spring Training 2022 – Featuring a Conversation with the Bishops of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont Saturday, May 14  9 am -12 pm  Online via Zoom Join us for a morning of conversation, prayer, and learning. Participants can...


Racial Justice Council’s Historical Audit of the Diocesan Archives

Please join the Racial Justice Council and Bishop Brown on October 17th at 1 p.m. at Loring House (143 State Street, Portland ME 04101) for tea, an informational session about the project, and the kick-off...


Diocesan Hunger Initiative

The Diocesan Hunger Initiative. through contributions from individuals and parishes, finds ways to share the message of our faith in action with the larger community, giving people the nourishment and encouragement needed to make it through difficult times. 


Portland Pride Parade with Diocesan Youth

Portland Pride Parade, June 15 at 12:30 p.m. Each year, our youth host the diocesan effort to participate in pride parades, and they march together in Portland Pride. This year’s theme is “Life as Art”...


Young Adult Resources

Retreats We have young adult retreats when requested. There are young adult cabins at the diocesan intergenerational Summer Finale at Bishopswood. Christian Communities The Crossing in Boston – The Crossing is an active, emergent, welcoming...