Online filing for the Parochial Report for all Episcopal Church congregations is due every year on March 1.
An email is sent to congregations from The Episcopal Church regarding the Parochial Report in December. Those who do not receive the email or need help with their login name should contact the Rev. George Cooper for assistance.
Additional resources such as video walkthroughs and a workbook with detailed instructions to help guide the process can be found on the Forms and Instructions page on the General Convention website.
Data from the Parochial Report—the oldest, most continuous gathering of data by The Episcopal Church—touches every congregation throughout nine provinces. Together with other data, including that of the recorder of ordinations and the registrar of General Convention, it provides insight into the state of the church.
By tradition and canon, the Parochial Report requirements are developed by the House of Deputies’ Committee on the State of the Church, using a form approved by the church’s Executive Council.
View results from past Parochial Reports and find narrative analysis of the data on this page.
Visit the “Study Your Neighborhood” page to explore trends for individual congregations and dioceses over the most recent years.
NEW! Introducing the Online Register App
The General Convention Office has collaborated with WorshipTimes to develop an online version of the service register book that automatically connects to the Parochial Report filing site. The online Register App is available here, as well as a video preview. You can enter your service information online following a worship service, and at the end of the year all the of the tracking and math of your worship services will already be in the Parochial Report database. You will also have the ability to access ongoing analysis and reports throughout the year.