
Diocesan Convention Childcare Subsidies Available

Parents/primary caregivers who have children 10 and under and who are required to attend Diocesan Convention (e.g., clergy, delegates) will be eligible for a childcare subsidy. The maximum amount for each child is $50. Eligible...


General Convention 2024

Click here for the 81st General Convention schedule. General Convention      


General Convention 2024

On June 26, The 81st General Convention will elect a new presiding bishop. We pray with the entire church. Almighty God, source of all wisdom and understanding: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide...


Areas of the Diocese

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is divided into six Areas made up of groups of congregations. Diocesan Council, a decision-making body of the Diocese of Maine, is comprised of two elected members from each of the six diocesan Areas. New clergy members are elected to Council at a Pre-Convention Hearing in advance of Convention in October.

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Legislative Themes for the 81st General Convention (GC81)

The 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church (GC81) will take place June 23-28 in Louisville, Kentucky. The Maine deputation is excited to head to Louisville next month to represent our diocese. The group includes: the Rev. Joshua Hill, the Rev. Cn. Lisa Fry, the Rev. Kerry Mansir, the Rev. Lauren Kay, Mark Spahr, Christian Clough, Richard Rozene, and chair John Hennessy. The delegation also includes Catherine Mansir, one of two high school students representing Province 1 (the seven dioceses of New England). If you have any questions about GC81, please reach out to [email protected].

Blog Post

GC80 Wrap-up from Bishop Brown

“Hello to the Episcopal Church in Maine. It’s the last day of General Convention. It’s Monday the 11th of July. We’ve just finished our work. We finished before noon. This is a historic General Convention:...


Staff to Contact by Topic

Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with diocesan staff with any questions, concerns, or requests. Not sure which staff member can help?  What do you have a question about? Archives – Teresa Pinney Background...


Communications Overview and Guidelines

Mission Statement The mission of the Diocese of Maine Communications Department is to amplify the message of Jesus Christ beyond our worship spaces—both within the diocese and externally. We may be headquartered at Loring House,...


Archives of the Diocese of Maine

The Archives contain a mixture of public, historical records that can be used for research, and legal records that are sealed from view. Together they comprise a history of the people and places that have formed and shaped us over the years.

Blog Post

Election of the Presiding Bishop in 2024

The JNCPB is composed of 20 people. Five bishops were elected by the House of Bishops, and five clergy and five lay people were elected by the House of Deputies (Canon I.2.1.a). Two members between ages 16-21 were appointed by the president of the House of Deputies (Canon I.2.1.a). Three members were jointly appointed by the presiding bishop and House of Deputies president to ensure the cultural and geographic diversity of the church and skillsets needed for effective service on the committee (Canon I.2.1.c). The members serve a three-year term that concludes with the close of 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.