
Bearing Witness: Video Series Provides Resources for Talking About Crisis in the Middle East

Are you and your congregation looking for constructive ways to talk about the devastating situation in the Holy Land? “Bearing Witness” is a free, video-based study program from the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of...


The Episcopal Church’s Indigenous Relations Resolutions, Statements & Ministries

The Episcopal Church's Resolutions, Statements & Ministries

Blog Post

Dean Shambaugh Recaps Day One in Baltimore for GC80

“So today was the first day of General Convention and the Maine Deputation got up early, went to breakfast, and got to work. We did all kinds of things — we had a Eucharist with...

Blog Post

EPF’s Peacebuilding Series presentation by Dr. Catherine Meeks

Recap of Dr. Meek’s presentation by Episcopal Peace Fellowship – Maine Chapter In January, Episcopal Peace Fellowship’s monthly series of free, online Peacebuilding presentations featured a dynamic talk by Dr. Catherine Meeks on racial healing....


Episcopal Communicators from around the Church meet in Portland, Maine

Portland, Maine welcomes EpisComm24 Early bird registration is now open for the in-person 50th Anniversary Episcopal Communicators Conference in Portland, Maine from April 16-19. Yes, lovely Portland. The group invites you to come enhance your...

Blog Post

Territory acknowledgement prepared by Episcopal Maine Youth

This territory acknowledgement was prepared in honor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. It was written by a group of middle schoolers from Episcopal Maine Youth who gathered on Zoom to better understand and map the history...

Blog Post

Earth Keeper Update from St Alban’s in Cape Elizabeth

 St Alban’s Episcopal Church Covenant to Care of Creation Activities Update from Earth Keeper Team Feb. 2023 – Aug. 2023 In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the...


Clergy Conference

Two-night clergy formation event brought to you by the Clergy Formation Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine. Feast in a Time of Famine: Sacramental Life for our Secular Age with Rev. Dr. Patricia Lyons Passionate...

Blog Post

“Never Again – Promises” : A Prayer for Peace

The prayer below was inspired by Episcopal Peace Fellowship‘s  Peace Out. “Never Again – Promises” Dear God, who creates, saves, blesses, and sustains us, these things we promise for this day and forever more: Never...


Clergy Lenten Zoom Quiet Day 2024

Clergy Wellness in God’s Diverse Creation The Rev. Dr. Mario Conliffe Feb. 22, 2024 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Episcopal Diocese of Maine’s Clergy Formation Committee invites priests and deacons to join together for a...