Committed to Listen took place in 2021 when political and faith leaders, including Episcopal Diocese of Maine Bishop Thomas Brown, gathered to read aloud the words of MLK's Letter form a Birmingham Jail.
We encourage you to visit the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing! Subscribe to their newsletter and you’ll gain access to the many resources that they’ve posted, helping them expand their work throughout the...
Sacred Ground Fall Launch Tue., Sept. 24, 1 – 2:30 p.m. On Zoom All Episcopalians are invited to join a fall program year launch event for Sacred Ground, the church’s 11-part, film- and readings-based dialogue series...
Creation Care Team State and Municipal Organizations Maine Climate Council Appointed by the Governor, the Council consists of representatives of the State legislature, executive branch, quasi-government agencies, environmental non-profits, experts and Maine citizens representing various...
The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is divided into six Areas made up of groups of congregations. Diocesan Council, a decision-making body of the Diocese of Maine, is comprised of two elected members from each of the six diocesan Areas. New clergy members are elected to Council at a Pre-Convention Hearing in advance of Convention in October.