All matters of clergy misconduct will be reported to an intake officer for the diocese. Matters might then be resolved through pastoral care, mediation, an agreement with the bishop, an investigation or any combination of these. An investigation may result in formal mediation, and, if necessary, a hearing.
Clergy Retreat: Risk-taking in Christian Ministry Risk-taking is a part of life and an important challenge for those of us in Christian ministry at this time. What is the nature of risk-taking? Why should we consider...
The Episcopal Church “It’s All About Love” Festival Sunday, July 9 – Wednesday, July 12 The Episcopal Church is hosting “It’s All About Love,” a churchwide festival and revival featuring worship, learning, community, and...
Convention adopted the resolution below (and here) regarding the investment of diocesan funds which asks the bishop to form a special commission to discuss the resolution, the ‘call to action’ attached to the resolution, and...
The 202nd Convention of the Diocese of Maine assembled online via Zoom on Saturday, October 23, 2021. The proceedings were livestreamed on YouTube. We took time to pause throughout convention to hear the Word of God, praise God with song with our virtual choir, and share Spiritual Eucharist.
The national “Becoming Beloved Community” newsletter recently included this column about Caroline Russell, a St. Paul’s, Brunswick parishioner until her death in December 2021, and her relationship with the Sacred Ground program. Sometimes a transformation...
O God of life and love and peace, We witness the violence and injustice in your Holy Land And our hearts break. Our hearts break for the people of Palestine and Israel For the victims...
Aroostook Cluster’s Covenant to Care of Creation St. Paul’s, Fairfield Earth Keepers from our cluster of churches; St. Paul’s, Good Shepherd in Houlton, St. John’s in Presque Isle, are planning a combined gathering in September....
You are invited! We all know that our Prayer Book provides a clear statement about the mission God gives us: to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ (p. 855)....
Below you will find the first draft of the legislative tracking document and my notes from Advocacy Days. The tracking document is not set up with active links to the legislative documents – yet. I...