Climate Justice Council
Land and Waters
Improves and protects the environmental health of Casco Bay by collecting scientific data, advocating for clean water and engaging the community.
Working to further the sustainability of Maine’s coastal and island communities, focusing on community resilience, climate solutions and leadership development.
A statewide organization that protects farmland, supports farmers, and advances the future of farming. They work in the areas of farmland protection, access and viability; and public outreach, policy and research.
Natural Resources Council of Maine
Protecting Maine’s natural environment primarily through legislative advocacy on state and federal levels. Climate change is a major focus in their work.
Conserves land in Maine to protect wildlife and their habitats, bolster sustainable nature-based economies and inspire climate action.
Penobscot River and Bay Institute (PRBI)
Fosters good stewardship of natural resources through hands-on learning. PRBI serves towns and schools in the Penobscot River watershed and coastal communities surrounding the bay by offering on-the-river experiences for school children throughout the Penobscot River watershed as part of its Penobscot Riverkeepers program.
Tribal members united in vision and mission dedicated to strengthen tribal cultural, sustenance and ancestral roots within our tribal Homeland and to join with allies to bring attention to the state of the environment to help bring real and positive change for restoring the natural balance, abundance and biodiversity within the Schoodic River watershed, Passamaquoddy Bay, Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine ecosystems.