
Safe Church Training in Maine

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is committed to the prevention of abuse of all forms. We want to help the church to be a safe place for all who worship, or minister, or come in any sort of need, including children, youth, and those who work with them. We believe that this policy is one aspect of honoring our baptismal vows to “respect the dignity of every human being.”


Serving on the Vestry or Bishop’s Committee

Serving on a vestry is an important ministry for the health and well-being of a church. It can bring with it questions and challenges, as well as rewards. The Diocese of Maine wants to help helps wardens and vestries find resources necessary to fulfill their responsibilities. Wardens and vestries are also encouraged to share ideas and to help one another.  

Blog Post

Legislative Themes for the 81st General Convention (GC81)

The 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church (GC81) will take place June 23-28 in Louisville, Kentucky. The Maine deputation is excited to head to Louisville next month to represent our diocese. The group includes: the Rev. Joshua Hill, the Rev. Cn. Lisa Fry, the Rev. Kerry Mansir, the Rev. Lauren Kay, Mark Spahr, Christian Clough, Richard Rozene, and chair John Hennessy. The delegation also includes Catherine Mansir, one of two high school students representing Province 1 (the seven dioceses of New England). If you have any questions about GC81, please reach out to [email protected].

Blog Post

Nominations open for Episcopal Church positions, committees, boards

The Joint Standing Committee on Nominations invites members from across The Episcopal Church to apply for the churchwide roles listed below. The deadline to apply is April 15. Elections will take place at the 81st...




Bishop & Staff


Permission to Officiate and Recording a Marriage Form (non-canonical clergy)

In order to fulfill Canon 1:19 of Regulations Respecting Holy Matrimony: Concerning Preservation of Marriage, Dissolution of Marriage and Remarriage, non-canonical priests should complete this request form at least 30 days before the solemnization (Canon...


Clergy Compensation Resolution Supporting Documents 2021


Discernment Book Suggestions

Discernment by Henry Nouwen In Discernment, Nouwen teaches us how to read the signs of the times; in daily life in order to make decisions that are ultimately guided by God. Nouwen emphasizes listening to...


Informational Session about EYE 2023

Informational Zoom Session: January 24th, 7 PM on Zoom Come and learn more about an opportunity to attend EYE this July. The Episcopal Youth Event happens every three years and is the largest gathering of...