
Coming Together in Hope and Healing ~ Province I Winter Conference


Registration is open for “Coming Together in Hope and Healing”, the 2022 Province 1 Winter Conference and Budget Meeting, on December 17, 2022! The conference theme reflects the inspiration we’ve experienced seeing new seeds of...


Confronting White Supremacy Virtual Symposium


Registration is open for Community Change Inc’s Confronting White Supremacy virtual Symposium on Saturday, May 20 from 10 am – 2 pm. Community Change Inc. is a New England organization that has served as a community for...


Choral Evensong Service in Yarmouth


A Choral Evensong Service will take place on Sunday, June 9, 4 p.m. at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in Yarmouth. Music selections will feature some of the most beloved sacred composers for this contemplative music-filled...


One-Day Workshop with Music that Makes Community for Lay Leaders


Save-the-Date Music that Makes Community Workshop Saturday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. St. Andrew’s Church, New London, NH This workshop is offering paperless music, and skills to build congregational singing and community building....


Communications Office Hours


Anyone involved in church communications is invited to join us for the next “open door” virtual information session on the third Wednesdays of the month at 11 a.m.  Director of Communications Susan Sherrill Axelrod and...


Young Adult Resources


Retreats We have young adult retreats when requested. There are young adult cabins at the diocesan intergenerational Summer Finale at Bishopswood. Christian Communities The Crossing in Boston – The Crossing is an active, emergent, welcoming...


Faith-Based Advocacy Series 2023


Maine Council of Churches Invites You to Participate in a Faith-Based Advocacy Series in 2023 Designed to inspire and equip people of faith to advocate for policies and people that align with their deepest beliefs...


Children and Youth


Blog Post

EYE 2023 Photo Gallery


Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) celebrated its 40th anniversary this week! EYE is the church’s second-largest event after General Convention, drawing nearly 1,500 young people ages 15-19 from every province every three years. The event began...


Parish Administrators’ Collaborative (PAC)


The Parish Administrators' Collaborative of the Diocese of Maine is a community of professionals who support one another, share knowledge and resources, and support the ministry of our congregations and the mission of the Church.