USCG Auxiliary Casco Bay Flotilla “The 2-1 ACS” “Semper Paratus – Always Ready”. That’s the proud motto of the United States Coast Guard, the guardians of our Nation’s maritime safety and security. The Coast Guard...
The Parish Administrators' Collaborative of the Diocese of Maine is a community of professionals who support one another, share knowledge and resources, and support the ministry of our congregations and the mission of the Church.
Wondering if there is a diocesan grant available for your project? Please submit a one-page Letter of Intent (LOI) to the Grants Committee outlining your proposal. In your letter, please include: The full name of...
We pray for the convention’s work supporting diocesan mission and ministry using "For a Church Convention" from the BCP.
Episcopal Visitations are required by Canon III every three years. In the Diocese of Maine, episcopal visitations are scheduled in rotation about once every 28-30 months. Other celebrations, special services/ mission leadership or pastoral care visits may be scheduled 'in between' official visitations by either the Priest in Charge/Sr. Warden or the Bishop.
The Parish Administrators Collaborative (PAC) will be getting together on Dec. 3! PAC is a community of professionals who share knowledge and resources to support the ministry of our congregations and the mission of the Church. Membership...
Clergy Retreat: Risk-taking in Christian Ministry Risk-taking is a part of life and an important challenge for those of us in Christian ministry at this time. What is the nature of risk-taking? Why should we consider...
The Grants Committee of the Diocese of Maine is rolling out a new process in 2025 with the goal of making grant making easy and accessible to everyone. View the recording and slides from the...