Catherine Mansir of Christ Church, Gardiner was one of eighteen young people from every province in The Episcopal Church who served as the Official Youth Presence for the 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. The Official Youth Presence was established by the 1982 General Convention; members have had seat and voice in the House of Deputies since 1997. Sixty young people applied for the 2024 General Convention Official Youth Presence and were interviewed by a team of youth ministers and General Convention deputies from across The Episcopal Church. A team of adult mentors shepherded the group through convention.
The Diocese of Maine uses the platform Vanco to collect donations for all of our churches! We established this system in order to provide an online giving resource to help facilitate stewardship in our churches. While every church and chapel is included in...
Episcopal Maine Press Release: Closing of Saints Matthew and Barnabas in Hallowell, Maine
Curiosity-Contemplation-Conversation: Digital gathering of the “Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement.” Join Episcopalians in New Hampshire and Maine as we use technology to create community among ourselves and in God’s name.
Episcopal Visitations are required by Canon III every three years. In the Diocese of Maine, episcopal visitations are scheduled in rotation about once every 28-30 months. Other celebrations, special services/ mission leadership or pastoral care visits may be scheduled 'in between' official visitations by either the Priest in Charge/Sr. Warden or the Bishop.