
Lament with Earth


Seasonal events honoring the pain of loss through the liturgical year Wednesdays  7:30 – 8:30 p.m. • Online “We know and feel in our bones that something primal is amiss. Our extended home is being...


Lament with Earth


Seasonal events honoring the pain of loss through the liturgical year Wednesdays  7:30 – 8:30 p.m. • Online “We know and feel in our bones that something primal is amiss. Our extended home is being...

Blog Post

Election of the Presiding Bishop in 2024


The JNCPB is composed of 20 people. Five bishops were elected by the House of Bishops, and five clergy and five lay people were elected by the House of Deputies (Canon I.2.1.a). Two members between ages 16-21 were appointed by the president of the House of Deputies (Canon I.2.1.a). Three members were jointly appointed by the presiding bishop and House of Deputies president to ensure the cultural and geographic diversity of the church and skillsets needed for effective service on the committee (Canon I.2.1.c). The members serve a three-year term that concludes with the close of 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.

Blog Post

Earth Day Sermon “To Till and Keep the Earth”


To Till and Keep the Earth A sermon preached at St. Brendan the Navigator Episcopal Church, Deer Isle, MaineFirst Sunday after Easter, Year C, April 24 2022 Celebrating Earth Day (April 22) Texts: Genesis 2:4b-25...


Creation Justice Ministries Lenten 2023 Resource


Prepare for Easter. In Lent, we reflect on Christ's ministry, death, and resurrection. We slow down, and examine our internal spiritual lives as well as the way we live out our Christian faith in the world. This Lenten reflection and action guide will help individuals take time to learn, reflect, repent, ask God for forgiveness, and take concrete steps to change course.

Blog Post

Bowen receives 2023 Kany Award for work with Seeds of Hope


Excerpted transcript of remarks by Bill Kany, son of the award’s namesake, from the award presentation “The criteria is to be a person who has done a great deal to benefit our communities over a...

Blog Post

Legislative Update – February 5, 2023


Below you will find the first draft of the legislative tracking document and my notes from Advocacy Days. The tracking document is not set up with active links to the legislative documents – yet. I...


Update on Use of the Common Cup


24 March 2023 Dear Friends in Christ, The late theologian, Louis Weil wrote, “When the Christian community meets to do the whole eucharistic action in obedience to the Lord, he comes. He gives himself to...

Blog Post

Episcopal Diocese of Maine will affiliate with the Wabanaki Alliance Tribal Coalition


Letter from Bishop Brown to members of the Climate Justice Council, Committee on Indian Relations, Episcopal Peace Fellowship, and Racial Justice Council, Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, and diocesan staff: 20 December 2023, an Ember Day...


Deacons Day


It’s time to plan for Deacons Day in the Diocese of Maine!  Resolution 3 adopted by Diocesan Convention in 2022 set aside the last Sunday in June for Deacons in the Diocese to travel to...