
Preconvention Journal

The items listed below will be posted the week of October 21. Preconvention Journal for the 205th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Maine (2024): Agenda Rules of Order Consent Calendar Candidates Information Proposed 2025...

Blog Post

Bishop Brown’s Easter Message

Did you know that demographers have categorized a new generation: the Star Wars Generation? These are people born between 1977 and 1983. They’re the younger siblings of GenXers and the older siblings of Millennials. When...


Ordination of Ben Cooke to the Priesthood

By the Grace of God and with the consent of the people The Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Brown, Tenth Bishop of Maine will ordain Ben Cooke to the Priesthood in Christ’s one holy catholic and...


Diocesan Offices closed for holidays


Easter Day

Alleluia! He has Risen! Alleluia! O God, who for our redemption gave your only-begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection delivered us from the power of our enemy: Grant...

Blog Post

“Never Again – Promises” : A Prayer for Peace

The prayer below was inspired by Episcopal Peace Fellowship‘s  Peace Out. “Never Again – Promises” Dear God, who creates, saves, blesses, and sustains us, these things we promise for this day and forever more: Never...

Blog Post

Nominations open for Episcopal Church positions, committees, boards

The Joint Standing Committee on Nominations invites members from across The Episcopal Church to apply for the churchwide roles listed below. The deadline to apply is April 15. Elections will take place at the 81st...

Blog Post

Together in Love: A Sermon for the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Portland, Maine

7 July 2024 Ezekiel 2:1-5; Psalm 123; 2 Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13 for the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Portland, Maine Jesus is teaching. Do we have ears to hear? Hello, friends. It’s good to...


Compilation of Prayer & Liturgy Resources for the Season of Creation

Websites: you will find here a pdf with liturgies and prayers for the Season of Creation here are a number of resources from the various faith traditions as well as an interfaith resource

Blog Post

Trinity Providing Housing to Asylum Seekers

Trinity Church in Portland has begun hosting three families of asylum seekers. They will be sleeping and living at Trinity for two weeks in conjunction with the organization Family Promise. It is a joy that...