I’m writing from sunshine and 22 degrees with temperatures expected to drop down to 16. Yes, it’s cold! But according to NOAA, the federal agency which has been making records of tides, wind and weather...
It’s been a quiet time during these dark months. Now that Winter Solstice is over, we can put our hearts and minds toward spring! We have a new member joining us, Meredith Tipton, and she is a...
Christ Church’s recent efforts build upon past efforts which included: additional building insulation, automatic setback thermostats on both heating systems and hot water tanks, water heater insulation jackets and hot water pipe insulation, individual lighting...
St. Luke’s Public Policy and Environmental Action Team hosted a Vote Forward letter-writing party after the 10:00 service on October 13. The eleven members wrote 200 letters to people in swing states who are registered...
Earth Keepers from St. Peter’s, St. Luke’s, and St. Alban’s Episcopal churches collaborated to invite Susanne Lee to give a presentation on food waste in the U.S. at St. Luke’s Cathedral on September 22, 2024....
Under the leadership of Earth Keeper Christy Fitzpatrick, Good Shepherd, Houlton hosted an ecumenical service at the town amphitheater in Monument Park to start off the Season of Creation. There were about 40 in attendance,...
All-ages came together for the Episcopal Diocese of Maine's Annual Summer Finale to gather, pray, and rest from Sept. 13-15 at Camp Bishopswood.
On the weekend of September 13 and 14, twelve Earth Keepers from eight parishes met for a retreat at Camp Bishopswood, coinciding with the Summer Finale. Admirably organized by the Rev. Dr. Jenny Reece, the...
The gorgeous banner was painted by the parishioners of the Cathedral of St. Luke in Portland! It will be included in the processions each Sunday during the Season of Creation.
On May 19 the BTS Center hosted a Green Teams gathering at Cape Elizabeth United Methodist Church. There were representatives from many churches of all denominations in southern and mid coast Maine, including many Episcopal Earth Keepers. We...