Bridging the Gap is a community initiative of Emmanuel Lutheran Episcopal Church and a partner program of the United Way of Kennebec Valley. We have not created something new but are working to unify three existing direct services at the administrative and operational levels. As with any social justice initiative, Bridging the Gap is a way for us to have an organized response to that which breaks our hearts in our community; a way to offset the parts of the system that often make it difficult for an individual to become the healthiest version of him or herself; and a way to develop long-term solutions. The mission of Bridging the Gap is to help people become the healthiest version of themselves by connecting them to basic needs and community resources and by providing opportunities for meaningful volunteerism and social connection. The vision of Bridging the Gap is a community in which everyone is given the opportunity to thrive and live with dignity.
Learn what your church needs to know about copyright and licenses. This list provides resources about copyright, but it is not to be considered legal advice.
Websites: you will find here a pdf with liturgies and prayers for the Season of Creation here are a number of resources from the various faith traditions as well as an interfaith resource
The Racial Justice Council and the Committee on Indian Relations of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine held a public forum in support of LD1626, “An Act Implementing the Recommendations of the Task Force on Changes to the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Implementing Act" in February 2022. Maulian Dana, Ambassador of the Penobscot Nation will be the keynote speaker.
When capturing photographs of children and youth, churches can use this template from the Episcopal Diocese of Maine to ensure they have permission.
Episcopal Maine Press Release: Closing of Saints Matthew and Barnabas in Hallowell, Maine
Video recording of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine's Digital Usher Training offered in 2020
The Episcopal Diocese of Maine offered training on how to serve as a digital usher during a worship service or meeting on Zoom.