
Tenebrae Service: Worship and Watch Party for Youth & Young People


Worship and Watch Party Wednesday, April 13 6 PM Youth and young people from across our diocese participated remotely in putting together a Tenebrae or “Shadow” service for Holy Week. We will gather on w2g.tv at...


Sabbaticals for Clergy


The sabbatical standard in the Diocese of Maine is set by canon, and it’s a generous one: four months every five years. See Canon22.4(2). The canonical benefit is time off with pay. Covering the financial costs for a sabbatical is the...


Episcopal Peace Fellowship Annual Meeting


Director of Public Policy John Hennessy will be the keynote speaker at the annual meeting of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship. His presentation will especially focus on how the diocese and the Maine Council of Churches...


2022 Diocesan Convention Consent Calendar


Consent Calendar for the 203rd Convention of the Diocese of Maine


Luncheon for Retired Clergy


Two luncheons for retired clergy and surviving spouses are coming up this fall! These gatherings are an opportunity to gather over lunch, catch up with each other, join with Bishop Brown in discussing life in...

Blog Post

A Pastoral Word from Bishop Brown


A Pastoral Word from Bishop Thomas Brown to the Episcopal Diocese of Maine in the wake of the mass shooting in Lewiston 27 October 2023 On Wednesday evening, our beloved community of Lewiston joined the...


Big Way of Love for Kids


The Big Way of Love for Kids is a discipleship resource for kids and their beloved communities. It’s a set of playing cards and activities to help our kids become the BIG, beloved children God...


Tenebrae Service: Online Worship for Holy Week


We are delighted to share with you a Tenebrae online worship service for Holy Week, brought to you by the children and youth of the diocese. The full service will be made available to all...


Marriage After Divorce


In the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, permission for marriage after divorce from the bishop is not necessary. Please direct questions or requests for advice in certain instances to the bishop’s executive assistant, Lauralee Raymond.


Reading of the Passion for Palm Sunday on YouTube


The Passion According to St. Luke Thanks to several volunteers throughout the diocese, we are also delighted to share with you a Zoom reading of the Passion for Palm Sunday. The Passion will be made...