Hear from UTO Board President Sherri Dietrich who lives and worships in Maine about United Thank Offering and working to cultivate gratitude in our diocese.
The Clergy Formation Committee is a group of presbyters and deacons working to offer opportunities to enrich the ongoing formation of Maine's clergy community.
22 February 2024 Dear Friends, Grace and peace be with you! I believe the collaboration among the Dioceses of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont is a gift from God, and we will continue to collaborate...
This free and open-to-the-public event will begin after the 9:30 a.m. service. The conversation will be led by Wendy Love, MD, who has served with two medical missions to the West Bank, and has traveled...
The legislature convened the second session this week and the schedule for public hearings and work sessions is already starting to fill up. All legislative committee work will be conducted virtually at least through January...
The Trustees of Diocesan Funds hold diocesan endowments with a value of approximately $2.9 million. The Diocesan Revolving Loan Fund program calls for the use of no more than $250,000 of the this fund’s endowment...
Join Maine Moms Demand Action supporters and volunteers for our 2024 Advocacy Day at the state Capitol where we come together and talk to lawmakers about our priority Gun Safety Legislation. The day will begin...
The 202nd Convention of the Diocese of Maine “Looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith” Saturday, October 22, 2022 Let us run the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus,...
On May 13, National Mothers Day of Action, our Maine Chapter of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship and MOM’s Demand Action invite you to join them in Portland’s Monument Square from 3-4 p.m. Bring your homemade...
Below you will find the first draft of the legislative tracking document and my notes from Advocacy Days. The tracking document is not set up with active links to the legislative documents – yet. I...