Global mission is no longer the domain of professional missionaries, but has become the work of everyone in the church. We go on mission trips to build schools, clinics, and churches, participate in medical missions,...
Envisioning World Mission – A Word from the Standing Commission Register here on Eventbrite for the one-hour webinar on Jan. 23 at 1 p.m., which is free and open to the public. Presenting will be...
Lovett Fund Grants are to be used on the maintenance and improvement of mission churches.
Mission Statement The mission of the Diocese of Maine Communications Department is to amplify the message of Jesus Christ beyond our worship spaces—both within the diocese and externally. We may be headquartered at Loring House,...
The Trustees of Diocesan Funds manage financial and real estate assets for the benefit of congregations, missions, the diocese and the bishop.
Mission Statement for the Committee on Indian Relations, Episcopal Diocese of Maine: “We are called by our Creator to deepen our relationship with the Wabanaki of Maine, to stand with the tribes in the pursuit of justice, to...
Download a PDF Celebrated Maine author Elizabeth Strout, born in Portland and now living in Harpswell, is arguably best-known for introducing the world to her character, Olive Kitteridge, in 2008. Strout’s eight books aren’t exclusively set in...
These guiding principles offer a study of mission and Scripture for use in parish and individual contexts.
United Thank Offering (UTO) The United Thank Offering is a ministry of the Episcopal Church that encourages the personal spiritual practice of gratitude in support of the mission of the whole church. UTO encourages people...
You are invited! We all know that our Prayer Book provides a clear statement about the mission God gives us: to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ (p. 855)....