
Multifaith Vigil for Lewiston


All are invited to a multifaith gathering to grieve, hope, and dream of a different world on Wednesday, November 1 at 6:30 p.m. This gathering of prayer and song will be led by the Greater...

Blog Post

Cathedral Dean leaving Portland after 18 years of service


The Very Rev. Dr. Benjamin Shambaugh, Dean of St. Luke’s Cathedral will complete 18 years of service to the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, the City of Portland, and the state and Episcopal Diocese of...


Celebration of New Ministry – Rev. Douglas Beck & Trinity, Castine


Your prayers and presence are requested at a Celebration of New Ministry for the people of Trinity Church 150 Perkins Street, Castine to induct their new Rector, The Reverend Douglas A. Beck, ObJN. The Right...


Episcopal Maine in the News


A list of articles and videos featuring the Diocese of Maine

Blog Post

Bowen receives 2023 Kany Award for work with Seeds of Hope


Excerpted transcript of remarks by Bill Kany, son of the award’s namesake, from the award presentation “The criteria is to be a person who has done a great deal to benefit our communities over a...


204th Annual Diocesan Convention


The documents that make up the Journal of the 204th Annual Diocesan Convention can be accessed below: Agenda Bishop Brown’s Address Rules of Order Consent Calendar Resolutions 1-3 Candidate information Report from the Trustees of...


Summer Chapels in Maine


There are 17 summer chapels in Maine that have become communities of worship and friendship over the last 125 years.

Blog Post

Legislative Update – February 5, 2023


Below you will find the first draft of the legislative tracking document and my notes from Advocacy Days. The tracking document is not set up with active links to the legislative documents – yet. I...


Celebration of New Ministry – Rev. Gwen Fry & St. Mark’s, Waterville


The wardens and vestry of St. Mark’s in Waterville invite you to join them in a Celebration of New Ministry to welcome the Rev. Gwen Fry as priest-in-charge on Sunday, January 8 at 4:00 p.m....


Bicentennial of the Diocese of Maine


The Diocese of Maine celebrated its 200th birthday in the year 2020. The Bicentennial Committee planned a year long multi-event celebration, beginning with a kick-off at Diocesan Convention in 2019.