Province I is one of nine provinces in The Episcopal Church and consists of the nine dioceses in New England.
Join Presiding Bishop Michael Curry with guests from across the church online on September 18 at 1 p.m. to explore the meaning behind voting from a theological perspective that centers this civic action as one...
On a day full of prayer and celebration, the Rt. Rev. Sean W. Rowe, bishop of Northwest Pennsylvania and bishop provisional of Western New York, was elected to be the 28th Presiding Bishop of The...
Everyone is invited to join Election Night Virtual Prayers hosted by The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations from 8 to 10 p.m. Nov. 5. Bishop Sean Rowe, who will become presiding bishop on Nov....
Friday, Oct. 21 – Sunday, Oct. 23 Online (Zoom) Registration fee: $25 Hosted by the Episcopal Preaching Foundation and the Association of Episcopal Deacons The central focus of this conference will be the unique voice of...
The legislature convened the second session this week and the schedule for public hearings and work sessions is already starting to fill up. All legislative committee work will be conducted virtually at least through January...
Parochial Report to The Episcopal Church Online filing for the Parochial Report for all Episcopal Church congregations is due by March 1. An email was sent to congregations from The Episcopal Church in early December....
Press Release Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts August 14, 2023 Creation Season 2023: Celebration Guide for Episcopal Parishes is now available for those who integrate Creation Season into Sunday worship (Sept. 1- Oct. 4). Curated...