
Bishop Brown’s Assisting Bishop Visit to the Diocese of VT


Bishop Brown spends time in the Diocese of Vermont as Assisting Bishop with the people of St. John’s in Randolph.

Blog Post

CIR reminds diocese of committee’s mission and work


Mission Statement for the Committee on Indian Relations, Episcopal Diocese of Maine: “We are called by our Creator to deepen our relationship with the Wabanaki of Maine, to stand with the tribes in the pursuit of justice, to...


Bishop Brown at Pride Eucharist in the Diocese of Nebraska


Bishop Brown has been invited to preach and preside at the Diocese of Nebraska’s Pride Eucharist on July 12 at  Trinity Cathedral in Omaha! 113 N 18th St Omaha, NE 68102-4969 United States Watch live here at...


Deacons’ Day with Bishop Brown


Deacons in the Diocese of Maine will have an opportunity to spend time with Bishop Brown on May 11 at St. Michael’s no in Auburn beginning at 10 a.m. They will be joined by the...


Clergy Disciplinary Process


All matters of clergy misconduct will be reported to an intake officer for the diocese.  Matters might then be resolved through pastoral care, mediation, an agreement with the bishop, an investigation or any combination of these.  An investigation may result in formal mediation, and, if necessary, a hearing.


Eucharist and Panel Discussion with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry 


Diocese of New Hampshire: Eucharist and Panel Discussion with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry Saturday, November 5, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 South Main Street, Concord, New Hampshire You’re cordially invited by...


Cycle of Prayer for 5-Mar


For St. Matthew’s, Lisbon and for Christ Church, Norway; For the Diocese of Vermont and Diocese of New Hampshire as we continue to explore collaboration


Bearing Witness: Video Series Provides Resources for Talking About Crisis in the Middle East


Are you and your congregation looking for constructive ways to talk about the devastating situation in the Holy Land? “Bearing Witness” is a free, video-based study program from the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of...


The Gatherings: A Province I Book Study


Province 1 Indigenous Justice Network and the Episcopal Diocese of Maine Committee on Indian Relations invite you to a series of book studies beginning with a discussion of The Gatherings: Reimagining Indigenous-Settler Relationships by Shirley N....


Visitations from Bishop Brown


Episcopal Visitations are required by Canon III every three years.  In the Diocese of Maine, episcopal visitations are scheduled in rotation about once every 28-30 months.  Other celebrations, special services/ mission leadership or pastoral care visits may be scheduled 'in between' official visitations by either the Priest in Charge/Sr. Warden or the Bishop.