
State and Municipal Organizations addressing Climate

Creation Care Team State and Municipal Organizations Maine Climate Council Appointed by the Governor, the Council consists of representatives of the State legislature, executive branch, quasi-government agencies, environmental non-profits, experts and Maine citizens representing various...


The Standing Committee

The Standing Committee is an elected body which serves as the Council of Advice to the Bishop and stands ready to be the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese when a vacancy occurs in the Episcopate.


Province 1 Becoming Beloved Community Network Meeting

A call to appreciate one another as children of God continually has been repeated at the General Conventions of the Episcopal Church. In 2009, the General Convention urged every leadership body of the Church to...


Trustees of Diocesan Funds

The Trustees of Diocesan Funds manage financial and real estate assets for the benefit of congregations, missions, the diocese and the bishop.


COP27: UN Climate Change Conference

At The Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention in July, the House of Bishops passed a statement titled, “Expressing the Mind of the House on Climate and Our Vocation in Christ.” “In this statement, we see the...


Bishop Brown’s Address to the 205th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine

Download a PDF Celebrated Maine author Elizabeth Strout, born in Portland and now living in Harpswell, is arguably best-known for introducing the world to her character, Olive Kitteridge, in 2008. Strout’s eight books aren’t exclusively set in...


Children and Youth


Recording of Restoring Wabanaki Tribal Sovereignty Forum held Feb. 20, 2022

The Racial Justice Council and the Committee on Indian Relations of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine held a public forum in support of LD1626, “An Act Implementing the Recommendations of the Task Force on Changes to the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Implementing Act" in February 2022. Maulian Dana, Ambassador of the Penobscot Nation will be the keynote speaker.


Immigration Resources from the Maine Council of Churches

Materials from “Here We Are. Send Us!” Online Discussion Jan. 14, 2025 The Maine Council of Churches (MCC) held the first in a series of online “town hall” gatherings to discuss ways Maine’s communities of...


Faithfully Supporting Our Vulnerable Neighbors

Our faith calls us to care for the vulnerable among us, and as members of the Body of Christ, we stand together, and we will renew our commitment to live out God’s second-greatest commandment, “You...