
Climate Advocacy Organizations

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine's Climate Justice Council has curated a list of resources including this list of organizations focused on advocating for climate justice.


Children and Youth

Blog Post

Territory acknowledgement prepared by Episcopal Maine Youth

This territory acknowledgement was prepared in honor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. It was written by a group of middle schoolers from Episcopal Maine Youth who gathered on Zoom to better understand and map the history...

Blog Post

Episcopal Maine Youth ice fishing success

Episcopal Maine Youth met with huge ice fishing was success in February! They give a big thank you to their fearless leader, Macauley, for taking them out to Pleasant Pond in Litchfield. They caught plenty...


Episcopal Maine Youth: Prayer Vigil

Youth, young adults, youth ministers and parents are all invited to join together for a Prayer Vigil tonight. We will host this Prayer Vigil in remembrance of the 21 school-shooting victims from Uvalde, Texas. We...


Safe Church Training in Maine

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is committed to the prevention of abuse of all forms. We want to help the church to be a safe place for all who worship, or minister, or come in any sort of need, including children, youth, and those who work with them. We believe that this policy is one aspect of honoring our baptismal vows to “respect the dignity of every human being.”


Province I

Province I is one of nine provinces in The Episcopal Church and consists of the nine dioceses in New England.


Visitations from Bishop Brown

Episcopal Visitations are required by Canon III every three years.  In the Diocese of Maine, episcopal visitations are scheduled in rotation about once every 28-30 months.  Other celebrations, special services/ mission leadership or pastoral care visits may be scheduled 'in between' official visitations by either the Priest in Charge/Sr. Warden or the Bishop.

Blog Post

For Earth Day, Honor the Wabanaki’s Response to the Climate Crisis

How should parishes celebrate Earth Day (April 22) and Earth Week (April 17-23) this year? The Diocese of Maine’s Climate Justice Council suggests that we look to the Wabanaki experience as they respond to the...

Blog Post

Episcopal Diocese of Maine will affiliate with the Wabanaki Alliance Tribal Coalition

Letter from Bishop Brown to members of the Climate Justice Council, Committee on Indian Relations, Episcopal Peace Fellowship, and Racial Justice Council, Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, and diocesan staff: 20 December 2023, an Ember Day...