Please see Commission on Ministry for more information.
Province 1 Indigenous Justice Network and the Episcopal Diocese of Maine Committee on Indian Relations invite you to a series of book studies beginning with a discussion of The Gatherings: Reimagining Indigenous-Settler Relationships by Shirley N....
Download a PDF Celebrated Maine author Elizabeth Strout, born in Portland and now living in Harpswell, is arguably best-known for introducing the world to her character, Olive Kitteridge, in 2008. Strout’s eight books aren’t exclusively set in...
Creation Care Team Climate Advocacy Organizations 350 Maine 350 Maine is a grassroots movement with local chapters working primarily on state and local initiatives. They focus on climate justice and work extensively with youth. Citizens’...
Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia, Sept. 19-21, 2024 A historic summit gathering for Episcopal lay, and clergy leaders engaged in reparations and truth-telling ministries sponsored by the church’s Office of African Descent Ministries and the Department...
Sacred Ground Fall Launch Tue., Sept. 24, 1 – 2:30 p.m. On Zoom All Episcopalians are invited to join a fall program year launch event for Sacred Ground, the church’s 11-part, film- and readings-based dialogue series...
Sunday, Sept. 28 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. @ Second Congregational Church in Newcastle All are invited to this interactive, multi-faith workshop led by the Rev. Fred Small, a Unitarian Universalist minister, singer-songwriter, former environmental...
In this second installment of “Dio Maine Cooks: Recipes and Stories from Vintage Maine Church Cookbooks,” we honor St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Palmyra and the church’s new rector, the Rev. Christopher Warne, who are...
October 12, 2023 The Maine Council of Churches Public Policy Committee met yesterday to do a final debrief of the legislative session. I co-chair this group and was excited to meet, mostly in person,...
Our faith calls us to care for the vulnerable among us, and as members of the Body of Christ, we stand together, and we will renew our commitment to live out God’s second-greatest commandment, “You...