
“Saying ‘Peace, Peace’ When There Is No Peace” program


Thursday, May 5, 2022 11:00am—1:00pm Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick Hybrid Event: In person at 1 Middle Street, Brunswick or Online via Facebook Live Registration is free, with an option to donate From the Hebrew...


Diocesan Listening Session


You are invited! We all know that our Prayer Book provides a clear statement about the mission God gives us: to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ (p. 855)....


Litany for Gun Violence


A Litany in the Aftermath of Gun Violence  by the Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine Giver of Life and Love, you created all people as one family and...


Pray with the Diocese of Alabama


An individual attending a potluck supper at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Vestavia Hills, Alabama, last night began shooting at a group of people gathered for the event. Pray with Alabama on Friday, June 17...

Blog Post

EPF’s Peacebuilding Series presentation by Dr. Catherine Meeks


Recap of Dr. Meek’s presentation by Episcopal Peace Fellowship – Maine Chapter In January, Episcopal Peace Fellowship’s monthly series of free, online Peacebuilding presentations featured a dynamic talk by Dr. Catherine Meeks on racial healing....


Diocesan Listening Session


You are invited! We all know that our Prayer Book provides a clear statement about the mission God gives us: to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ (p. 855)....

Blog Post

A Pastoral Word from Bishop Brown


A Pastoral Word from Bishop Thomas Brown to the Episcopal Diocese of Maine in the wake of the mass shooting in Lewiston 27 October 2023 On Wednesday evening, our beloved community of Lewiston joined the...


Young Adult Resources


Retreats We have young adult retreats when requested. There are young adult cabins at the diocesan intergenerational Summer Finale at Bishopswood. Christian Communities The Crossing in Boston – The Crossing is an active, emergent, welcoming...


Maliseet Ambassador presentation at Church of the Good Shepherd


Church of the Good Shepherd, Houlton invited community members to learn more about the history of the Maliseet people in Aroostook County. Ambassador Osihkiyol (Zeke) Crofton-Macdonald spoke on his personal experiences and his historical research,...


Resolution Learning Session


The deadline for submitting a resolution for diocesan convention is fast approaching (September 16th)! If you have an idea for a resolution — or want to learn more about the process — mark your calendar...