
Celebration of New Ministry with Rev. Paul St. Germain & Trinity, Lewiston


The Rt. Rev. Thomas Brown and the people of Trinity Episcopal Church, Lewiston will formally welcome the Rev. Dr. Paul St. Germain during a Celebration of New Ministry on September 17 at 6 p.m. Your...


Celebration of New Ministry – The Rev. Joshua Hill & St. Alban’s


Celebration of New Ministry for The Rev. Joshua A. Hill at St. Alban’s 5:00 pm with festivities to follow. All are welcome! Clergy: alb and green stole. RSVP to the reception following here.  


Racial Justice Council’s Historical Audit of the Diocesan Archives


Please join the Racial Justice Council and Bishop Brown on October 17th at 1 p.m. at Loring House (143 State Street, Portland ME 04101) for tea, an informational session about the project, and the kick-off...


205th Annual Diocesan Convention


Please hold this date for Diocesan Convention & Convocation in 2024. It will be in person in Portland. More details to come! Information will be posted here.


Investiture of Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe


Join the Churchwide Virtual Celebration In this historic and joyful season, we invite you to pray for guidance for our church and our new presiding bishop as he leads us in envisioning the reign of...

Blog Post

Attend Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe’s Online Service of Investiture on Nov. 2


Join the Churchwide Virtual Celebration In this historic and joyful season, we invite you to pray for guidance for our church and our new presiding bishop as he leads us in envisioning the reign of...


Customary for Retiring Deacons


The Canons of The Episcopal Church require the retirement of deacons from all positions of active service in the Church, on reaching the age of 72. Deacons are required to submit their resignations, and bishops are...

Blog Post

How to Author a Resolution


The Episcopal Diocese of Maine’s Resolutions Committee is now accepting candidate resolutions for the 2024 Diocesan Convention! Proposed resolutions may be submitted at any time by any parish or individual before the deadline of October...


Treasurer’s Responsibilities


Canon 7, Diocese of Maine (Of the Treasurer of the Diocese) Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and disburse all moneys collected under the authority of the Convention, unless...


Grants through the Diocese of Maine


The Grants Committee of Diocesan Council was restructured in 2022 in order to better shepherd the various grant funds available in the diocese. Since then, the committee continues to look at each grant and assess...