
Celebration of a New Ministry (CNM) Liturgical Guidelines & Planning Worksheet

Liturgical Customary for a Celebration of New Ministry Guiding Principles We celebrate two realities: a new clergyperson and the ongoing ministry of the people of God called to be a particular faith community We highlight...


Diocesan Officers

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is lead by five Diocesan Officers the Bishop of Maine, the Bishop's Chancellor, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and Registrar. In addition, the Maine Episcopal Missionary Society, Inc., is lead by the Bishop of Maine (President), Secretary, and Treasurer.


Celebration of Deacon Marcia Richardson

The Wardens, Vestry and Congregation of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Wiscasset, Maine invite you to a celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Ordination for Rev. Marcia Richardson as a Deacon in the Episcopal Church...

Blog Post

Episcopal Diocese of Maine will affiliate with the Wabanaki Alliance Tribal Coalition

Letter from Bishop Brown to members of the Climate Justice Council, Committee on Indian Relations, Episcopal Peace Fellowship, and Racial Justice Council, Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, and diocesan staff: 20 December 2023, an Ember Day...


Deacons Day

It’s time to plan for Deacons Day in the Diocese of Maine!  Resolution 3 adopted by Diocesan Convention in 2022 set aside the last Sunday in June for Deacons in the Diocese to travel to...


Staff to Contact by Topic

Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with diocesan staff with any questions, concerns, or requests. Not sure which staff member can help?  What do you have a question about? Archives – Teresa Pinney Background...


Diocesan Convocation at the Cathedral

What is Convocation? Convocation is a diocese-wide time to celebrate being “Together: With God, In Call, For Mission”! The celebration will take place at the Cathedral of St. Luke on Saturday, 21 October. **Please enter...


Racial Justice Council’s Historical Audit of the Diocesan Archives

Please join the Racial Justice Council and Bishop Brown on October 17th at 1 p.m. at Loring House (143 State Street, Portland ME 04101) for tea, an informational session about the project, and the kick-off...


205th Annual Diocesan Convention

Please hold this date for Diocesan Convention & Convocation in 2024. It will be in person in Portland. More details to come! Information will be posted here.


Diocesan Hunger Initiative

The Diocesan Hunger Initiative. through contributions from individuals and parishes, finds ways to share the message of our faith in action with the larger community, giving people the nourishment and encouragement needed to make it through difficult times.