
De-escalation and Active Bystander Training for Faith Leaders


This online training for faith leaders (clergy and lay) on de-escalation and active bystander skills is offered by MCC in partnership with Prevention.Action.Change during the week of September 15 and week of October 6. The 4-hour training is...


Sacred Songs and Readings Service


Sacred Songs & Readings: The Lord’s Prayer 3 pm Sunday, November 13 There will be a Sacred Songs and Readings service on November 13, exploring the great prayer that Jesus taught us. The genesis of...


Blow the Trumpet: Concerts of Seasonal Music for Advent


The Saint Mary Schola presents Blow the Trumpet, a concert of seasonal music for Advent, that includes a rousing medieval procession, sublime masterworks by Palestrina, Victoria and William Byrd, as well as sparkling choruses from...

Blog Post

Attend Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe’s Online Service of Investiture on Nov. 2


Join the Churchwide Virtual Celebration In this historic and joyful season, we invite you to pray for guidance for our church and our new presiding bishop as he leads us in envisioning the reign of...


Online Film Salon: “Come and See; Go and Tell–Next Year in Palestine”


On Sunday December 11, 2022, at 3 pm ET, join an Online Film Salon, “Come and See; Go and Tell–Next Year in Palestine.” Register, view short documentaries, then join the discussion at tinyurl.com/VFHL-December2022. This event...


Eucharist and Panel Discussion with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry 


Diocese of New Hampshire: Eucharist and Panel Discussion with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry Saturday, November 5, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 South Main Street, Concord, New Hampshire You’re cordially invited by...


Cycle of Prayer for 11-Jun


For St. Philip’s by the Sea, Fortunes Rocks; For the ministry of the staff and volunteers who attend to the administrative needs of our churches

Blog Post

April 2024 Total Eclipse in Maine


Phil and Judith Clucas live in Crick, a small English village between Rugby and Northampton in Britain’s Midlands. Their church is a short distance away in Houlton, England. And on April 6, they will be arriving in Houlton, Maine to help Good Shepherd Episcopal Churc h serve lobster rolls and whoopie pies for the total solar eclipse festivities.


Pre-convention Meeting (Thursday at 5pm)


What do you need to know before convention on November 11? Attend this Pre-convention Meeting to learn about the business we’ll be voting on at convention. Look for the Zoom invitation in your email.  ...


RENEW: Gathering to Support & Reimagine Godly Play Going Forward


RENEW: Gathering to Support & Reimagine Godly Play Going Forward Saturday, March 11 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. St. James Episcopal Church, 120 Main Street, Amesbury, MA Join the Circle! Godly Players from northern New...