
Episcopal Diocese of Maine Indigenous Relations Resolutions & Statements

Episcopal Diocese of Maine's resolutions, statements, and sermons regarding to Indigenous Relations


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Blog Post

The Art and History of Stained Glass Windows in Bar Harbor

Jennifer Booher gave a slide talk about her research into stained-glass windows in Bar Harbor buildings. Booher is an artist and photographer currently at work on a book documenting local stained-glass windows. Her research has...


EYE 2023

Maine will be sending a delegation! Read through this Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) Frequently Asked Questions one-sheet for details! We hope this document will answer any questions you may have about EYE, and will excite...

Blog Post

Attend Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe’s Online Service of Investiture on Nov. 2

Join the Churchwide Virtual Celebration In this historic and joyful season, we invite you to pray for guidance for our church and our new presiding bishop as he leads us in envisioning the reign of...


Global Mission

Global mission is no longer the domain of professional missionaries, but has become the work of everyone in the church. We go on mission trips to build schools, clinics, and churches, participate in medical missions,...

Blog Post

The Season of Creation is Coming Up: Are You Ready to Celebrate?

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine is launching the 2023 Season of Creation! This year's theme is "Let justice and peace flow", and the symbol "A mighty river".

Blog Post

Three Memorial Stained Glass Windows at Christ Church, Eastport

The Rev. John E. Phelps, vicar at Christ Church, Eastport from January 1, 1990, through December 31, 2002, wrote eloquently in the church’s October 1995 newsletter about the three memorial stained glass windows in the...



Blog Post

Earth Keeper Update from St Alban’s in Cape Elizabeth

 St Alban’s Episcopal Church Covenant to Care of Creation Activities Update from Earth Keeper Team Feb. 2023 – Aug. 2023 In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the...