40 Days of Welcome and Gratitude
Each Lent, United Thank Offering (UTO) offers a variety of resources for congregations, families, children, and individuals. This year, UTO is proud to partner with Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) to present: 40 Days of Welcome and Gratitude: a call to giving thanks for the ways we are welcomed in the world and the ways that people offer welcome to us and to our communities. Download free resources for congregations and families, sign up for the daily text message prompt, or order a free kit of printed materials for your congregation here by January 13 (ships February 10). UTO also offers kits for families, those can be ordered through February 18.
The Episcopal Church Resources for Lent
Visit https://www.episcopalchurch.org/lent-resources/ for Lent and Holy Week Explainer Videos that you can share here
Living Well through Lent with The Living Compass
This Living Compass resource is a daily devotional that provides a foundation for seeking a deeper experience of Lent. It will be available in both print and electronic editions here.