Past Projects of Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Maine Chapter
Beauty, Peace, Resistance!: Barefoot Artists in Palestine
EPF-Maine sponsored a showing of Barefoot Artists in Maine in July of 2016. Lily Yeh, Philadelphia-based community artist and founder of Barefoot Artists, along with Dud Hendrick and Rob Shetterly, discussed images of their recent work in three areas of the Palestinian West Bank.
Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza: A Focus
EPF-Maine has been focusing attention on Al Ahli Hospital in the Gaza Strip and on its significant need for international support. A resolution passed in Diocesan Convention in October 2012 lent support to the effort to increase awareness of the issues involved in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and its possible resolution.
A PowerPoint presentation on Al Ahli Hospital is available for showing to congregations throughout the Diocese. This hour-long slide program with discussion afterwards can be facilitated by a member of Episcopal Peace Fellowship or can be made available simply on DVD.
EPF-Maine is encouraging fund-raising efforts on behalf of Al Ahli Hospital throughout the Diocese of Maine. In May 2013 the women’s group at Grace Church in Bath (The Women of Grace) contributed $500 to Al Ahli after seeing the PowerPoint presentation on the hospital and participating in discussion facilitated by parishioners and EPF-members the Rev. John Beaven and Diane Paterson. Another $500 was contributed in June 2013 to Al Ahli Hospital by the Outreach Committee at Grace Church in Bath in response to a challenge from the women’s group. In September 2013 a Millenium Development Grant of $7,500 was awarded by the Diocese of Maine to Al Ahli Hospital. Donations to the hospital are channeled through American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.
October Holy Land Pilgrimage 2016
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The Episcopal Diocese of Maine and the Maine Chapter of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship pilgrimage to the Holy Lan took place October 24–November 3, 2016.
The pilgrimage responded to the call to “Come and See” by visiting the ancient churches of the Nativity, the Annunciation, and the Holy Sepulcher as well as the holy sites at the Sea of Galilee. In October 2015, the Diocese of Maine Convention passed a resolution that “laity and clergy of the Diocese be encouraged to make pilgrimage to Israel and the Occupied Territories to learn from our fellow Christians in the region.” Bishop Stephen Lane has offered his support for this trip to assist Maine Episcopalians to have the opportunity to make that journey and return to share their experiences and learning.
Participants visited institutions of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and experienced the realities of life for Palestinian Christians living under occupation in East Jerusalem and the West Bank as well as living as second-class citizens of Israel. The group met with Jews, Muslims, and Christians working together for a just peace.
Brunswick Peace Fair
EPF-Maine participated in the annual Peace Fair held on the Brunswick Mall.Peace groups in Maine invited others to gather with them for a day of celebrating making our earth safe for our children. The following themes were addressed: Teaching Peace, Protecting from Violence, Environment Health, Food Capabilities, Human Health, Creating a Compassionate Society. Coordinator was Karen Rienert from the Executive Committee of EPF-Maine.
Creating a Culture of Peace (CCP) Training
Episcopal Peace Fellowship (EPF-Maine Chapter) offers from time to time experiential encounters for Episcopalians on confronting violence with nonviolence in everyday life.
Six parishes and one religious community (SCHC) have offered forums, workshops, sermons, and retreats, which have been led by Carol Huntington, nationally certified CCP trainer, assisted by Anne Street, Dick Bamforth, Alicia Kellogg and other leaders in our Diocese. All leaders have been trained in the basic Creating a Culture of Peace 3-day training led by Carol and Janet Chisholm, National Coordinator of CCP.
CCP uses a holistic approach to empowering participants in the spirituality and practice of active peacemaking in their lives through a three-day, 20 hour program. EPF-Maine continues to offer 50-minute sessions to one-day retreats to parishes in the Diocese of Maine who want to begin to experience being better peacemakers. We welcome invitations to share what we have learned about peacemaking.