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The Clergy Annual Report is a requirement of Title I, Canon 6.2 of The Episcopal Church. In the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, we ask active, parochial and non-parochial, and retired clergy to complete the report. We also ask that non-canonically resident clergy living in Maine use the report as a chance to check-in with Bishop Brown.

Please submit your Clergy Annual Report for 2024 by May 1, 2025 to remain in good standing. The steps listed below will complete the annual report requirement.

Provide us with updated personal and contact information including the name of your next of kin and a way to reach that person.

You may do so directly on this annual report form using the fields provided.

Alternatively, you may update your diocesan database (Realm) record by logging into onrealm.org/episcopalmaine to review the information that we have on file for you and make any needed changes. If you are new to the diocese or never created your login, look for an emailed invitation from Realm. If you need assistance, please contact Wendy Kopera at [email protected].

Please make sure your Safe Church training is up to date .

Clergy serving (or who wish to serve) in the Diocese of Maine are required to maintain current Safe Church Training. It is completed in two parts: Part A (Praesidium Academy) and Part B (mandated reporter certification from the State of Maine). When completed, you will have two certificates.

Note: You are required to provide a copy of both certificates to the diocese (send to [email protected]) and to your church, if serving.



  • If you are well and truly retired, and not functioning as a clergy person more than once or twice in a twelve month period, you may skip Step 2.
  • If you aren’t able to complete the report online, please email [email protected] for ideas on a workaround.
  • We depend on accurate information in our database for reliable communications. please help us keep up to date.


  • Please allow adequate time to complete this report. Until you hit “submit”, we have no record of your work.
  • If you need to stop for any reason, please click on the text at the bottom of the form “Save and Resume” for a link.
  • Based on whether you are a priest and deacon or canonically resident or parochial or not, you will be asked different questions. Questions will appear on the form based on your answers. (For ex., If you are a clergy person whose ‘summary of ministry’ was included in your congregation’s Parochial Report, you will not be asked to repeat that information in this report.)
  • You do not need to print the form! After you submit, a copy of your report will be automatically emailed to you as confirmation of submission.
  • The form is not printable.