
The Parsonage Gallery Launches New Season


Two solo exhibitions by Maine artists explore spiritual themes during Lent The Parsonage Gallery launches its first new exhibitions of the year this Saturday, March 11 at 1pm. Exhibitions include solo shows by two celebrated...


Understanding the Community and Economic Potential of Tribal Sovereignty


Self-determination through tribal self-government has led to remarkable economic growth across many Tribal nations situated in Indian Country. However, unique to Maine, the federal Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 (MICSA) empowers the state...


Restoration Laos Presentation in Castine


On Sunday, August 20, 2:00 p.m., Restoration Laos brings its presentation to Emerson Hall, 67 Court St, Castine. The Rev. Michael Ambler will present an informative session on the demining of Laotian fields for the...


Supporting your College Students for Congregations and Individuals


Province 1 Conversations with Noted Speakers: Supporting your College Students and Becoming a Supportive Congregation for College Students Thursday, February 16 online @ 7pm Led by the Rev. Nancy Vogele Nancy Vogele is an Episcopal...


Preaching Excellence Conference for Episcopal Deacons


March 3-5 On Zoom Registration fee: $30 Deacons serving Province I in the Episcopal Church are invited to an online conference to focus on preaching and the unique voice of the deacon to represent the...

Blog Post

Earth Keeper Update from St Alban’s in Cape Elizabeth


 St Alban’s Episcopal Church Covenant to Care of Creation Activities Update from Earth Keeper Team Feb. 2023 – Aug. 2023 In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the...


Racial Justice Council’s Historical Audit of the Diocesan Archives


Please join the Racial Justice Council and Bishop Brown on October 17th at 1 p.m. at Loring House (143 State Street, Portland ME 04101) for tea, an informational session about the project, and the kick-off...


Celebration of Deacon Marcia Richardson


The Wardens, Vestry and Congregation of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Wiscasset, Maine invite you to a celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Ordination for Rev. Marcia Richardson as a Deacon in the Episcopal Church...


Celebration of New Ministry – Rev. Douglas Beck & Trinity, Castine


Your prayers and presence are requested at a Celebration of New Ministry for the people of Trinity Church 150 Perkins Street, Castine to induct their new Rector, The Reverend Douglas A. Beck, ObJN. The Right...


Bishop Brown’s Assisting Bishop Visit to the Diocese of VT


Bishop Brown spends time in the Diocese of Vermont as Assisting Bishop with the people of St. John’s in Randolph.